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Story Time

  The Dark Night                  The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. A beautiful young lady with long hair and attractive grey eyes was lingering in the lobby with a tall handsome man sitting on the sofa busy switching the Tv channels. Mr. Smith was an entrepreneur ,  his child was least interested in his Dad business  whereas the young woman who was lingering in the lobby,  Mrs. Smith was the President of the NGO for children and  a housewife. In the lobby,  Mr and Mrs. Smith were waiting for their unruly and drunkard child who everyday comes in late after attending the  night parties.         It was almost midnight, Mr Smith frustrated of this daily behaviour of his child said approaching Mrs. Smith,'' Darling, come let's go to sleep, it had already passed 1 and who haven't taken the medicine yet.'' As Mrs. Smith was a heart patient Mr Smith gave her the medicine forcefully.  Mrs Smith with a frown smile nodded and said Mr Smith
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Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology (VIT), Wadala,Mumbai

                           Greetings!!! You must be wondering what does CittaAnanda mean ,  Well ,  Citta means Mind and Ananda means Bliss and together they mean a blissful mind in Sanskrit. We are students of NSS unit of Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Wadala ,Mumbai with motto "Not me But you" who have started this official handle of NSS VIT. Our aim is to reach to maximum number of people during this lockdown and create a digital repository of articles regarding social issues and articles which might help you gaining information which is required by you.This project has been included under the theme of Education of our area based problem.  We would further expand this project to include repository of Yoga asans. Hope to connect to all of our readers and if you require additional information or would like to connect to us, you can reach us by mailing on  :  If you wish to regularly  recieve updates on blog don't forget to follow us.  -Adarsh

How Engineers have contributed to the Covid-19 Fight ?

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