By Karzan
It is rightly said that “You see the world as you are,
not as it is”, when we interact with the world around us we do not observe it
for what it is, but instead we see a version of the world that best suits our
own current mood and feelings. The one thing that decides our mood and feelings
are our thoughts.
Moreover, it is a fact that our mind tends to notice
those things more which we think about on a greater level.
For example, lets say you are planning on purchasing a
specific model of bike or car, you are constantly thinking and analyzing your
choice. Now let’s say you take a bus and are travelling to work or college.
Now, suddenly you start observing many more people using that exact same of
bike/car on the streets than you would do on any other day. You wonder how did
the number of people using that bike/car increase all of a sudden. While the
actual truth is that, there were always that many people owning that model
ofbike/car, but you were too busy minding your business to notice it, but now
that your mind is thinking about it, you start to observe things which you used
to previously ignore unknowingly.
Same is the case with other things in your life. The
time you start your day with happy and positive thoughts, your brain focuses on
all the things in your life that make you happier, and hence even the decisions
that you take on that day make you all the more happier. You not only achieve
your own state of happiness, but you also possess the ability to make those
around you happy as well, hence people would also love to be around you.
But, if you start your day with negative thoughts,
thoughts of hatred, anger, jealousy etc., your brain focuses on all the things
in your life that have made you feel bad, you start remembering many previous
incidences which made you feel unhappy. Now, with these thoughts circling
around your head, whatever decisions, choices you make that day will only
ensure that you stay unhappy and sad. Even the people you talk to won’t feel
happy to be around you.
So, at the end of the day, you can either be someone
whose company everyone likes and who is content with himself/herself, or you
could be someone that no one likes and is himself/herself not happy with who
they are.
Your one simple thought can change your entire
reality. The Parsi community has a pretty wonderful saying “Good Thoughts, Good
Words, Good Deeds”, i.e. one should always think good thoughts, as your
thoughts impact what you say, which leads to good words; one should say good
words, as these words impact the deeds one does and ones life experience is
based on the deeds he/she does. Hence, the trick to having a good life is
having good thoughts.
People often use the phrase, “I feared this would
happen”; one must understand that when they fear that something might become
true, you are actually thinking about it, and when you think about something
too much, you involuntarily take actions to ensure you get the outcomes you are
thinking about.
Take for example, you start your day with the thought
that “Nobody likes me”; this simple thought invokes a feeling of hatred, anger
and jealousy towards others, eventually you start to behave rudely with
everyone (even with those who actually liked you), pushing everyone away; which
forces people to dislike you even though they might have liked you before.
Hence, you involuntary worked towards making that one thought of yours into
your reality.
Another example is, you wake up and think to yourself
“today is the day everyone will start to like who I am”, and then you end up
behaving kindly and humbly with everyone around you, (a quality that many
people like to see in others is kindness and humility), you even act nicely
even with the ones you bully/tease you. All these actions of kindness and
humility make people like you. Again, you have involuntarily turned one simple
thought of yours into reality.
Lesson: Never underestimate the power of your
thoughts. Your thoughts shape you and your reality.
Some tricks to help you start your day with positive
and happy thoughts are:
1. Yoga:
Starting your day with at least 10 minutes of performing various yoga poses can
help cleanse your mind and body of various toxins which may be the precursor to
many negative thoughts.
2. Exercise:
Just like Yoga, starting your day with some exercise can also help relieve
toxic thoughts and toxic waste in your body.
3. Good sleep: One major reason behind negative thoughts is bad quality of sleep. If you wake up too early in the morning or sleep too late in the night, your mind is in such a state where it is most susceptible to negativity. Hence, even a good quality sleep can help you stay away from negative thoughts.
Great thoughts Karzan...Keep going Bro..🤟